Thursday, June 22, 2023
Sodium Bicarbonate: Nature's Unique First Aid Remedy - Sircus, Mark Review & Synopsis
What if there were a natural health-promoting substance that was inexpensive, available at any grocery store in the country, and probably sitting in your cupboard right now? There is. It is called sodium bicarbonate, although you may know it as baking soda. For years, sodium bicarbonate has been used on a daily basis as part of a number of hospital treatments, but most people remain unaware of its full therapeutic potential. In his new book, Dr. Mark Sircus shows how this common compound may be used in the alleviation, or possibly even prevention, of many forms of illness.
Sodium Bicarbonate begins with a basic overview of the everyday item known as baking soda, chronicling its long history of use as an effective home remedy. It then explains the role sodium bicarbonate plays in achieving optimal pH balance, which is revealed as an important factor in maintaining good health. The book goes on to detail how sodium bicarbonate and its effect on pH may benefit sufferers of a number of conditions, including kidney disease, fungal infection, influenza, hypertension, and even cancer. Finally, it lists the various ways in which sodium bicarbonate may be taken, suggesting the easiest and most effective method for your situation.
By providing a modern approach to this time-honored remedy, Sodium Bicarbonate illustrates the need to see baking soda in a whole new light. While it was once considered simply an ingredient in baked goods and toothpaste, sodium bicarbonate contains powerful properties that may help you balance your system, regain your wellbeing, and avoid future health problems.
Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) was trained in acupuncture and Oriental medicine at the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Santa Fe and the School of Traditional Medicine of New England in Boston. He also served at the Central Public Hospital of Pochutla, Mexico. He is part of the Scientific Advisory and Research Development team of the Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine.
This is the first medical review of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in the history of medicine, and it will change the way you think about baking soda, change the way we practice medicine, and change the way we take care of our children. Our lives are made easier by sodium bicarbonate, for there are hundreds of uses for it. It helps us clean up messes around the house, as well as messes inside our bodies.
When Hippocrates said in 400 BC, "Let food be thy medicine," he did not dream that individual vitamins, minerals, and even enzymes could be taken in concentrated form. Almost twenty-five hundred years later, the best emergency room and intensive care doctors use concentrated nutritional medicine to save lives every day, including baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate is a world-class emergency room and intensive care medicine used every day to save lives.
Until now, you could only find books about the household use of baking soda; its use as a medicine has been shrouded in mystery. No longer! Sodium bicarbonate, known chemically as NaHCO3, is a form of salt that has many names, including baking soda, bread soda, and bicarbonate of soda. It is found in nature in a crystalline form, which may be processed into a fine powder. It has long been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, but is not a pharmaceutical drug.
Sodium bicarbonate is the time-honored method to "speed up" the return of the body's bicarbonate levels to normal. Bicarbonate is the ion normally responsible for alkalinity, or the capacity of water to neutralize acids or resist changes in pH. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes acid and protects digestive enzymes. Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines treating as it does basic human physiology.
Sodium bicarbonate is only classified as a medicine if injected or administered intravenously. Otherwise, it is a legal food item that anyone can buy in most supermarkets and pharmacies around the world. It is totally safe because not only does the body need it, but the body also produces it in the stomach, pancreas, and kidneys.
Sodium bicarbonate is nutritional, but is one of the most concentrated effective medicines in the world. Its ranges of effects are profound. It has blood vessel dilating action (vasodilator), and it also increases blood fluidity, facilitates blood flow delivery, and assists oxygen dissociation from hemoglobin-thus, more oxygen flows to the capillaries and cells. Through the "Bohr Effect," more oxygen is released from hemoglobin.
Bicarbonate also has strong anti-inflammatory action and helps with detoxification and neutralization of toxic substances of all kinds, offering strong and almost instantaneous shifts in pH. Pharmaceutical companies can charge all they want-and they do-for their dangerous ineffective medicines. But even in the wildest dreams of a pharmaceutical executive do visions come for a drug they might fabricate that would match the fantastic medicinal properties of simple, inexpensive baking soda.
The pH of the blood is the most important factor to determine the state of the microorganisms in the blood.
Sodium bicarbonate acts as a powerful, natural, and safe antifungal agent, which when combined with iodine, covers the entire spectrum of microbial organisms. The efficacy of sodium bicarbonate against certain bacteria and fungi has been documented, but its role as a disinfectant against viruses is not generally known. Sodium bicarbonate at concentrations of 5 percent and above was found to be effective, with 99.99 percent reduction of viral titers on food contact surfaces within a contact time of one minute.
Safe Medicine for Nuclear Contamination
There is an extraordinary reason why everyone needs to understand and use baking soda. The radiation from Fukushima, Japan, is relentless and getting worse, spreading far and wide on our beautiful planet. One of the most potent uses of sodium bicarbonate is as an antidote for radiation exposure.
It is a crying shame what we have done to ourselves and our children by allowing nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and depleted uranium armaments. As we shall see in this book, baking soda is one of the best antidotes for radiation poisoning. One can easily and cheaply take it orally or pile it into one's baths, and these offer a good measure of protection. It's the same reason why sodium bicarbonate is an excellent treatment for cancer. Research concludes that sodium bicarbonate increases tumor pH and inhibits spontaneous metastases .
Radiation exposure and increased incidences of cancer are tied mathematically to each other, so whatever is good for treating cancer is effective for treating radiation exposure. My writings and work with sodium bicarbonate began when I found out that bicarbonate was used by the Army for uranium exposure to protect the kidneys, and after learning about Dr. Tullio Simoncini and his work with sodium bicarbonate, cancer, and its use as a fungicide to irradiate Candida infections.
The title of my original writings on bicarbonate was Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment and bicarbonate is just that, without doubt. This book, however, is not saying that sodium bicarbonate is the cure to cancer-but it is saying that almost every cancer patient should be taking it, substantially increasing one's chance of becoming a cancer survivor. This is more than important in a world where one out of every two people will get cancer, and the numbers seem destined to only get worse.
Nutritional Medicine
Sodium bicarbonate is not a pharmaceutical drug; it is a nutrient the body needs for survival every day. Thousands of studies have uncovered a clear and distinct relationship between vital nutrients and cancer. One influential study (Ramesha et al. 1990) provides a powerful example. A powerful carcinogen known as DMBA was given to a group of female rats. Then the rats were given none, one of four, two of four, three of four, or all of four nutrients: the minerals selenium and magnesium, and vitamins C and A.
When no nutrients were administered, all of the rats developed breast cancer. When one of the nutrients was given, 46.4 to 57.1 percent of the rats developed tumors, depending on the nutrient. When two of the nutrients were given in combination, the tumor incidence decreased to 29.9 to 34.6 percent, depending on which nutrients were used in combination. Administration of nutrients in groups of threes resulted in further reduction of tumor incidences, coming down to somewhere between 16 to 23.1 percent. And when all four nutrients were given together, tumor incidence dropped to 12 percent. Human DNA is 99 percent identical to that of rats.
Natural Cancer Medicine
This book is about the application of the least expensive, safest, and perhaps most effective cancer medicine there is, and that is the primary reason so many people have been interested in my writings and research on sodium bicarbonate.
Simple baking soda is a prime component of my Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol for cancer (which includes the nutrients in the above study), holding down the number two spot coming right after magnesium. My approach to cancer, as well as all other diseases, is a protocol approach, which includes other powerful non-toxic substances like glutathione, iodine, selenium, vitamin C, light and heat, as well as other substances that are prioritized to yield a powerful yet all natural treatment for cancer.
Most of us were amazed to find out that there is an oncologist in Rome, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, destroying cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive, and effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It is irresistible cyanide to cancer cells. It hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is a killer of tumors, safer and more effective than anything else. That does not mean that every single patient who uses bicarbonate is going to be saved, but they certainly will be helped.
Treatment takes from only a few weeks to several months. Even if a person does not survive their cancer, the bicarbonate will bring comfort and reduction of pain. Successful follow up treatments are then highly recommended. Over the long term, health habit changes are paramount. Certain substances, like magnesium, bicarbonate, iodine, and selenium, are mineral medicines we all should be taking for life. All of our bodies are under stresses never before faced across a broad front of radiation exposures (medical testing), chemical and heavy metal exposure, and the tremendous explosion of microwave transmission. We need these minerals just like plants do.
It All Started Here
Dr. Tullio Simoncini tells us of his early experience with bicarbonate. "One of the first patients I treated was an 11-year-old child, a case which immediately indicated that I was on the right track. The child arrived in a coma at the paediatric haematology ward around 11:30 in the morning, with a clinical history of leukemia. Because of the child's disease he had been taken from a small town in Sicily to Rome, through the universities of Palermo and Naples, where he underwent several chemotherapy sessions. His desperate mother told me that she had been unable to speak with the child for 15 days; that is, since the child had been on his journey through the various hospitals. She said she would have given the world to hear her son's voice once again before he died."
"As I was of the opinion that the child was comatose both because of the proliferation of fungal colonies in the brain and because of the toxicity of the therapies that had been performed on him, I concluded that if I could destroy the colonies with sodium bicarbonate salts and at the same time nourish and detoxify the brain with glucose administered intravenously, I could hope for a regression of the symptoms. And so it was. After a continuous intravenous infusion of bicarbonate and glucose solutions, at around 7 pm, when I returned to the university, I found the child speaking with his mother, who was in tears," said Dr. Simoncini.
There is an amazing amount of materials on sodium bicarbonate and baking soda on the Internet and I am responsible for much of it over the years. It is hard not to be moved by such testimonials, but many discount such information as unscientific-yet, there is nothing unscientific about sodium bicarbonate because we are talking basic chemistry.
In this book, most of the testimonials are personal accounts, but throughout the book I share clinical experience of professionals as well as the conclusions of studies and reports. This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of my work. My books Treatment Essentials (simple instructions on the protocol), and my soon-to-be-released Surviving Cancer Compendium with Natural Allopathic Medicine (2,500 pages), offer patients and their doctors information new to the world of oncology.
Natural Chemotherapy
Sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment focuses on delivering natural chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells while dramatically reducing the brutal side effects and costs experienced with standard chemotherapy treatments. Everyone should know about this and it is a betrayal of our humanity that most people still do not know. Losing the benefits and comfort that sodium bicarbonate (and magnesium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate and even calcium bicarbonate can bring).
One pound of sodium bicarbonate costs only a few dollars at the supermarket. If you live in the United States, you can get fifty pounds for fifty dollars of high grade medicine that you can drink or put in your bathtub for the quickest, safest, and certainly least expensive anticancer treatment available anywhere for any price.
For less than a dinner at a restaurant, one has a nothing-to-lose-everything-to-gain cancer treatment. Sodium bicarbonate is an effective, safe, and rapid acting anti-tumor agent. It is a necessary cancer medicine and oncologists have secretly been using it for decades to protect their patients from the deadly chemo chemicals they use.
Oncologist's Secret Weapon
Sodium bicarbonate is used prior to, during, and after application of chemotherapy. Studies have already shown how manipulation of tumor pH with sodium bicarbonate enhances chemotherapy, pointing to the appropriateness of using bicarbonate as a principle medicinal substance with the potential of curing people of their cancers.
Since the very beginning, sodium bicarbonate has been used with the premier chemotherapy agent made from mustard gas. Mechlorethamine, also known as chlormethine, mustine, nitrogen mustard, and HN2 and sold under the brand name Mustargen, was the prototype anticancer chemotherapeutic drug. Use of mechlorethamine gave birth to the field of anticancer chemotherapy. Without baking soda, orthodox oncology would never have been able to establish itself, for all its patients would probably have died too quickly.
You will also be given lots of fluids (as a drip) and a drug called mesna with your cyclophosphamide to help prevent bladder irritation. Sodium bicarbonate will be given to you-usually as a drip-before and during your methotrexate treatment, to help protect your kidneys.
These chemo drugs are an analogue of mustard gas and were derived from chemical warfare research. Instructions for their use include: Dilute well with rapidly running IVF flush solution. After infusion is complete, give brisk bolus approx. 200 cc IVF to flush veins. The basic substances used in IVF flushes are sodium thiosulfate and sodium bicarbonate. Without the bicarbonate and thiosulfate buffers, patients would quickly succumb to the chemo poisons. It's a picture right out of hell, using mustard gas instead of something vastly safer.
Everyone who chooses highly toxic and dangerous chemotherapy should be advised that science indicates that it might be the sodium bicarbonate that's doing the helping and not the poisons. Wouldn't it be sickening to think that patients had to take a pile of poison just to get their simple, inexpensive and safe bicarbonate treatments? The story and history of chemotherapy would have been a lot worse if sodium bicarbonate was not already in wide use for cancer patients taking chemotherapy.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines because bicarbonate physiology is fundamental to life and health. We are talking about serious medicine when we talk about sodium bicarbonate.
Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines because bicarbonate physiology is fundamental to life and health. We are talking about serious medicine when we talk about sodium bicarbonate."
Bicarbonate of Soda
This book sets out to pull together a number of facts, some whimsical, some deadly serious, about bicarbonate of soda and gives helpful suggestions as to its uses around the home. -- Cover.
This book sets out to pull together a number of facts, some whimsical, some deadly serious, about bicarbonate of soda and gives helpful suggestions as to its uses around the home. -- Cover."
The Natural Apothecary: Baking Soda
A pocket guide to harnessing the power of bicarbonate of soda to use as a home remedy, beauty aid and household resource. Not just for cakes, bicarbonate of soda has long been recognised as a hero ingredient for anyone looking to make their own eco-friendly cleaners and beauty products. Made up of tiny crystals, bicarb’s natural structure makes it the perfect gentle abrasive for home cleaning, and its natural antacid properties are ideal for tackling heartburn or creating antibacterial cosmetics at home. With our increasing awareness of reducing exposure to chemicals and the importance of keeping things natural, as well as the ever-growing realization of the environmental impact of disposable plastic packaging, there has never been a better time to go back to basics, embrace natural ingredients and regain control of what we are putting in our homes and on our bodies. The Natural Apothecary: Bicarbonate of Soda opens by exploring what bicarbonate of soda is made up of, and how it can be both naturally occurring and manufactured. The following pages are broken into sections on home, health and beauty, containing over 40 simple recipes for all-natural, home-made products that allow you to utilize the power of bicarbonate of soda with ease; make a soothing drink to ease indigestion, an all-natural exfoliating scrub to smooth your skin, or a simple but effective stain remover to leave your clothes looking like new.
A pocket guide to harnessing the power of bicarbonate of soda to use as a home remedy, beauty aid and household resource."
Baking Soda for Health
New in the popular For Health series, a guide to the affordable, all-natural healing, wellness, and beauty benefits of baking soda. Baking soda has been a kitchen staple for generations, but its uses extend far beyond cookie recipes and as refrigerator deodorizers. With its adsorptive and alkaline properties, baking soda is the perfect natural remedy for numerous health and beauty needs. Recent medical studies continue to reveal how baking soda contributes to good health by combatting chronic diseases, including cancer and kidney disease. It also provides all-natural relief for common ailments like the flu, coughs, sore throats, urinary tract infections, muscle pain and fatigue, stomach pain, and heartburn. Plus, baking soda can treat skin irritations, bug bites, and sunburn and naturally prevent body odor. Similar to apple cider vinegar, baking soda is an affordable, all-natural, non-toxic cure-all for body and home. Its all-natural beauty uses are renowned and widely celebrated and can whiten teeth, brighten and exfoliate skin, reduce acne, cleanse hair, treat split ends, soften feet, remove stains from fingernails, and more. With Baking Soda for Health, you will discover all the benefits this all-natural powder can bring—without dangerous chemicals or costly procedures.
With Baking Soda for Health, you will discover all the benefits this all-natural powder can bring—without dangerous chemicals or costly procedures."
Baking Soda Organic (Sodium Bicarbonate):
Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda): Everything You Need to Know About Baking Soda for Household & Kitchen Uses, Natural Cleansing & Hygiene in Order to Improve Your General Well-being & Health +Other Baking Hacks You Know Nothing About Are you looking for an effective and reliable way to balance your pH level in your body? Do you need a soothing and permanent relief for the heartburn or kidney problems that you are experiencing? Are you in need of a reliable and efficient remedy for insect bites? Do you want to improve your response to dental health and improve your confidence? Are you looking for an effective way to positively improve your sporting performance? Have you tried other alternatives that look very promising but have not given you the needed results? Then you don't need to worry as your one and only solution is now right before you! This special compound, sodium bicarbonate or baking soda, has numerous uses; it is used for personal hygiene, cleaning and cooking purposes. Interestingly, those who go to gym and athletes make use of this compound, sodium bicarbonate, to assist them during the performance of intense training. In other words, sodium bicarbonate can greatly bring about the improvement in one's body capability to perform well during the training sessions, and this improvements in performance is seen in numerous sporting activities such tennis, boxing, judo, swimming, etc. Other special uses of this sodium bicarbonate or baking soda are as follows: Reduces heart burns, slows down kidney diseases and assists in soothing and relieving insect bites, it improves one's response to the treatment of cancer, promotes dental health, etc. More so, this guide offers step by step procedures on how this special compound, sodium bicarbonate, can be put into use; it also explains how these benefits can be carried out and achieved. And this guide includes the right quantity of baking soda to be used. These and many more are carefully and comprehensively considered in this book. Download this book by scrolling up and clicking BUY NOW to get this book today! You won't regret you did!
And this guide includes the right quantity of baking soda to be used. These and many more are carefully and comprehensively considered in this book. Download this book by scrolling up and clicking BUY NOW to get this book today!"
All You Need Is Epsom Salt, Honey And Baking Soda
Improve Your Quality Of Life In The Most Inexpensive Way Ever! Take Advantage Of The Diverse Wonders Of Epsom Salt, Honey And Baking Soda! This book is priceless! It contains a variety of information to help you improve yourself, your family and home in the most inexpensive way ever. Just by making use of Epsom salt, Honey and Baking soda, you chart your way to natural healing and great health in a safe and hygienic environment. Inside these items are many hidden natural beauty secrets, healing, cures, and home remedies that will address a staggering range of health issues, skin flaws, beauty needs, household needs, vegetation requirements, and interior décor. In fact, there are more than 200 ways to make use of these items to satisfy your desire for qualitative life! You will be awed by the amazing uses of these wonderful gifts of nature. What’s more, they are all natural, toxic free, and a hundred percent effective. Here’s A Peek to What’s Contained in This Clearly Written Big Book of 3 Parts: Part 1: Epsom Salt Epsom Salt For Detox And Weight Loss Epsom Salt for Healing Epsom Salt for Gardening Epsom Salt for Beauty Epsom For Health Epsom Salt For Household Use Epsom Salt For Decorative Craft Part 2: honey Discover How To Use Honey For: * Detoxification * Hangovers * Regulating your blood sugar * Bad memory * Alcohol Metabolism * Halitosis * Gum disease * Athletes foot And lots more Everything on skin and beauty care such as: * Hair loss * Anti-aging recipes * Hair strengthener * Hair removal wax And lots more Treating illnesses such as: * Flu * Coughs * Sore –throat * Stomach upsets * Eye infection And lots more Other remedies such as: * Wounds * Burns * Scars * Blemishes And lots more Part 3: Baking Soda -Diverse Household Cleaning Applications -Beauty Uses, Hair & Skin Care -Soothing Minor Burns, Rashes & Injuries -How To Freshen Up Your Laundry -Bathroom Upkeep With Baking Soda -Extinguishing Fires With Baking Soda -And lots more
Improve Your Quality Of Life In The Most Inexpensive Way Ever! Take Advantage Of The Diverse Wonders Of Epsom Salt, Honey And Baking Soda! This book is priceless!"
Natural Soda Ash
Known as one of the world's major industrial chemicals natural soda ash plays a critical role in glass and ceramics industries, production of chemicals, cleansing and bleaching, and metallurgy. Natural soda ash is also preferable to synthetic types because its production is purer and requires less energy with virtually no harmful environmental effects. Essential data on the properties, sources, processing requirements, and applications of natural soda ash fill this guide, making it valuable to both manufacturers and users. The formation, occurrence and history of natural soda ash deposits are covered along with specific chemical, physical and mineralogical characteristics. Explanations of processing techniques demonstrate how to convert soda ash into commercial products. Included are new methods and technologies for large-scale soda ash production, safe handling procedures and marketing strategies.
“ Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Wetted Wall Columns with Sodium Carbonate - Bicarbonate Solutions Catalyzed by Sodium Ar - senate , ” An . Quim . Ser . A . ( Spain ) , V . 79 , No . 3 , pp . 423 - 427 . Danckwerts , R . V . 1970 ."
Baking Soda Power! Frugal, Natural, and Health Secrets of Baking Soda (2nd Ed. )
Do you want to learn 60+ ways baking soda can clean your home, cook meals, and even cure canker sores... 100% naturally and non-chemically?All this from a tiny 99 cent box of baking soda? You bet! You need to learn the secrets behind Baking Soda Power!Baking Soda Power! will teach you everything you need to know about baking soda - where it comes from, why it is superior to artificial substitutes, and why it even works -- so you can go beyond the methods I give you and create your own.You'll learn over 60 creative, useful, and FRUGAL ways to use baking soda - and I guarantee that at least 50 will be new to you! You'll learn how to make this environmentally friendly, non-toxic, 100% safe product work for you in ways you never thought possible - and reap the benefits of a healthier and chemical-free lifestyle!We'll hop from the kitchen, bathroom, stovetop, oven, laundry, outdoors, carpet, furniture, car, and even your children and pets to uncover some great and unique uses for baking soda!Here's a sample of what you'll learn in Baking Soda Power!* The origin of baking soda and exactly why it is so effective* How to treat bug bites and burns* How to freshen up your shoes and laundry* How to degrease your kitchen with baking soda* How to cook and bake with baking soda* How to use baking soda as a deodorant and shampoo* How to put out fires with baking soda* How to unclog drains safely* How to tenderize meat and make homemade Gatorade with baking soda* PRECISE recipes for each use!And so many more ways to apply baking soda to your everyday needs!With Baking Soda Power! you will learn how baking soda can save you loads of money each year by replacing toxic, dangerous cleaning agents that are in your house right now. Cooking will be more convenient, your home will be much cleaner and fresher smelling, and your own hygiene will be bettered in a completely safe and non-chemical way. You will never do laundry the same!You'll see how versatile baking soda is and the countless ways it can benefit your life.Don't hesitate on saving money while staying safe - scroll up and click the orange BUY NOW button immediatelyP.S. The price is always right for baking soda!
Do you want to learn 60+ ways baking soda can clean your home, cook meals, and even cure canker sores... 100% naturally and non-chemically?All this from a tiny 99 cent box of baking soda?"
Natural Oncology - Anti Inflammatory Cancer Treatment
In this short version of the Compendium Cancer ebook, the focus is the Natural Oncology - Anti-Inflammatory Cancer Treatment. Cancer is an inflammation. Researches shows that chronic inflammation fuels cancer. Natural anti-inflammatory therapies reduce these effects and brings renewed hope to the war against cancer.
In this short version of the Compendium Cancer ebook, the focus is the Natural Oncology - Anti-Inflammatory Cancer Treatment."
Baking Soda Earth Friendly Natural Cleaning
Green Cleaning and Home Solutions expert Samantha Miller teaches you 65+ easy ways to harness the power of baking soda. Years after of mastering the art of non-toxic cleaning (and doing it on a dime), sheconsiders baking soda the greatest gift of nature. Baking Soda also known as Sodium Bicarbonate, is a naturally occurring mineral. It is absolutely one of the safest and most versatile substances in the world.There is nothing ordinary about baking soda. Learn how to use this all natural mineral to super-charge your cleaning.Everyone should be carrying a copy of the Baking Soda Natural Cleaning in their car, motor home, camping trailer, cabin, and dorm. This is a must have book and it is now Certified Easy Reading(TM).
This is a must have book and it is now Certified Easy Reading(TM)."
The Baking Soda Companion: Natural Recipes and Remedies for Health, Beauty, and Home (Countryman Pantry)
75 ways to make life easier—with baking soda Everyone has baking soda on hand to help cookies rise and keep the pantry smelling fresh. But this simple compound also has dozens of other applications for health, cleaning, gardening, and more. In The Baking Soda Companion, Suzy Scherr explains just how useful this all-natural pantry staple can be. Make extra-fluffy scrambled eggs, clean the coffee pot, soothe bug bites, mix up toothpaste and shampoo, remove stubborn grass stains, repel garden pests, and more. This is a straightforward, informative guide for anyone who wants to incorporate simple, affordable, and natural solutions into their day-to-day routine.
This is a straightforward, informative guide for anyone who wants to incorporate simple, affordable, and natural solutions into their day-to-day routine."
GB 1887-2007: Translated English of Chinese Standard. GB1887-2007
This standard specifies the requirements, test method, inspection rules, sign, label, package, transportation and storage of food additive sodium bicarbonate. This standard is applicable to the food additive sodium bicarbonate. This product can be used as the leavening agent or processing aids for food industry.
This standard specifies the requirements, test method, inspection rules, sign, label, package, transportation and storage of food additive sodium bicarbonate."
Baking Soda Beauty and Health
The use of sodium bicarbonate, extends thousands of years into Ancient Egypt; where it was a staple in everyday life. Your body loves sodium bicarbonate. Bicarbonate ions occur naturally in our bloodstream to aid in maintaining our acid/alkaline balance. It transports carbon dioxide from our tissues, to the lungs to be expelled. The medicinal benefits go beyond comprehension; as renowned cancer and disease experts are now showing the lifesaving benefits of baking soda.Baking soda is the best natural health and beauty product.
The medicinal benefits go beyond comprehension; as renowned cancer and disease experts are now showing the lifesaving benefits of baking soda.Baking soda is the best natural health and beauty product."
Benefits & Uses For Baking Soda
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is widely used in baking. This is because it has leavening properties, meaning it causes the dough to rise by producing carbon dioxide. Aside from cooking, baking soda has a variety of additional household uses and health benefits. Don't spend your money on chemicals that will harm your plumbing, and instead let baking soda be your remedy as well. You will have an unclogged sink in no time, and it's easy to do. Baking Soda is an all-around household agent it is great in Cooking and also helpful in Household cleaning and Do it yourself projects.
This is because it has leavening properties, meaning it causes the dough to rise by producing carbon dioxide. Aside from cooking, baking soda has a variety of additional household uses and health benefits."
Bicarbonate of Soda in the Treatment of Disease
Bicarbonate of soda in the Treatment of Disease CONTENTS Introduction 1 Chapter 1 The Value of Bicarbonate of Soda In The Treatment of Disease.............................................................................................2 Bicarbonate of Soda A Therapeutic Agent..................................5 Tested Household Remedies.......................................................7 Acidosis......................................................................................8 Acne............................................................................................8 Auto-Intoxication........................................................................9 Baby’s Bottle...............................................................................9 Catarrh........................................................................................9 Colds...........................................................................................9 Colic..........................................................................................10 Corns and Bunions....................................................................10 Dyspepsia..................................................................................10 Dyspepsia or Heartburn............................................................10 Eczema......................................................................................11 Gall-Stones................................................................................11 Headaches (Sick).......................................................................11 Hiccough...................................................................................11 Hives.........................................................................................11 Hyperacidity..............................................................................12 Indigestion................................................................................12 Insect Bites................................................................................12 Intestinal Diseases.....................................................................12 Itching.......................................................................................13 Ivy Poisoning............................................................................13 Laxative....................................................................................13 Leucorrhoea (Whites)...............................................................13 Rheumatism..............................................................................14 Scalds and Burns.......................................................................14 Sea Sickness..............................................................................14 Skin...........................................................................................14 Sour Stomach............................................................................15 Sunburn.....................................................................................15 Toothache..................................................................................15 Vomiting of Pregnancy..............................................................15 Weed Poisoning........................................................................16 Why Soda Bicarbonate Relieves Discomfort...........................16 Chapter 2 For Colds and Influenza............................................................18 My Flu Story 1918....................................................................19 Alkalis in the Treatment of Influenza.......................................21 Alkali Treatment Applied to the Acidosis of Epidemic Influenza........................................................................................22 The Chief Cause of Death In The Influenza Epidemic.............25 The So-Called Spanish Flu.......................................................28 The Pathology of the Early Deaths Is Consistent with Aspirin Toxicity..........................................................................................29 500 Consecutive Cases of “Influenza” with One Death...........30 Treatment of Influenza: 800 Consecutive Cases with Two Deaths............................................................................................32 A Further Note on the Treatment of “Influenza” by the Above Method...........................................................................................33 Chapter 3 Sodium Bicarbonate True Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Industry..........................................................................................36 Sodium Bicarbonate in the Treatment of Meniere Disease......39 Sodium Bicarbonate in the Treatment of Lymphatic Inflammation.................................................................................39 Sodium Bicarbonate in the Treatment of Acidosis...................40 Sodium Bi
Bicarbonate of soda in the Treatment of Disease CONTENTS Introduction 1 Chapter 1 The Value of Bicarbonate of Soda In The Treatment of Disease.............................................................................................2 ..."
Baking Soda For Natural Remedies: A Complete Guide With DIY Household Hacks For Beginners
Have aches and pains bothering you? Have a disease which does not seem to fade away? This is a problem for numerous people around the world. Medications are not always going to work out. This is why the power of baking soda has to be maximized to your advantage. Amelia Winston provides a deeper look into using baking soda for natural remedies and how it can provide great results.
Have a disease which does not seem to fade away? This is a problem for numerous people around the world. Medications are not always going to work out. This is why the power of baking soda has to be maximized to your advantage."
Natural Soda Deposits in Egypt
NATURAL SODA. Definition— Natural soda is composed of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate , and consists essentially of a compound of these two substances in the proportion of one molecule of each, though it is generally found mixed ..."
Compendium Surviving Cancer - Natural Allopathic Medicine
This 2,500 page cancer compendium will offer you and your family most of the information you will need to make informed choices about cancer care. This compendium will teach you about natural oncology. It is a medical book, in understandable language, about a new form of medicine called Natural Allopathic Medicine.
This 2,500 page cancer compendium will offer you and your family most of the information you will need to make informed choices about cancer care."
The Baking Soda Secret
Surprise! Baking soda is not only the simple white powder that keeps your refrigerator is that, and so much more. Sodium bicarbonate, AKA baking soda, has been used for thousands and thousands of years, long before refrigerators were even a thing. That's right, the Ancient Egyptians used natural deposits of the mineral found in baking soda to clean their teeth, preserve meat and treat wounds.Today, baking soda has many uses and is even recognized by The World Health Organization as an essential medicine. Baking soda is so versatile and effective that we decided to dedicate a whole book to its composition, benefits and uses. Inside this book, you will find over a hundred different ways to use this inexpensive, natural wonder. We have included everything, but the kitchen sink in this book!You will discover how to use baking soda for the best party tricks ever, grow the biggest and best tasting tomatoes, clean and deodorize just about everything in your home, relieve itchy skin and even reduce the appearance of dark spots and moles with baking soda. Not only do we tell you what it can do, but we also show you how to do it! While you might know that baking soda can help ease the burn of indigestion, you will be surprised to find out what cancer researchers have discovered about this "simple" white powder.
Baking soda is so versatile and effective that we decided to dedicate a whole book to its composition, benefits and uses. Inside this book, you will find over a hundred different ways to use this inexpensive, natural wonder."
Household Hints
Discover simple, natural, and effective home products you can count on. Trying to avoid all those harmful chemicals in your home and looking for natural solutions? Household Hints has hundreds of fresh, safe, and effective tips, techniques, and recipes--and many are made from the wholesome ingredients already in your kitchen and garden. Inside you'll learn how to make cleaning solutions, scrubs, pet tips, natural pest control, gardening, yard, and even beauty care. These recipes and tips for the home are organized by use for ease. With these ingredients you can do almost anything; the possibilities are limitless!
Household Hints has hundreds of fresh, safe, and effective tips, techniques, and recipes--and many are made from the wholesome ingredients already in your kitchen and garden."
The Magic of Baking Soda
Plain Old Baking Soda A Drugstore In A Box? Doctors and researchers have discovered that baking soda has amazing healing properties! We all know that baking soda works like magic around the house. It cleans, it deodorizes and works wonders in the garden. In the kitchen it is as necessary for baking as flour and sugar. But did you know that baking soda is an effective remedy to relieve allergy symptoms? Bladder infections? Heart rhythm disorders? This is information you need to know! And now, you can be one of the first to own The Magic of Baking Soda, by Emily Thacker! As you know, bestselling author, Emily Thacker, is well-known and respected for her many natural health books. She was the author of the original Vinegar Book back in 1993 which has sold over four million copies worldwide! Emily’s books are always full of proven research as well as down home remedies and tonics straight from the folks who use them. The Magic of Baking Soda contains 607 – yes, that’s 607 of the most up-to-date medical research and health and household hints available. But the information in this book doesn’t just rely on old-fashioned home remedies. Each of these healing solutions is backed up by research from respected doctors at leading medical centers... California in San Diego, baking soda offers immediate relief of bladder infections. Promising studies by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists show that baking soda is used to enhance the performance of other medications. According to the American College of Chest Physicians, the use of baking soda showed a marked improvement in respiratory distress in children suffering from life threatening asthma. Lots of people spend tons of money buying household products that simply don’t work. But with this book, you won’t be one of them! • Gets rid of strong odors like sour milk or fish • Use it for a soothing, refreshing bath. Also relieves itchy skin • Removes the smell of urine from diapers or clothing • Child and pet-safe formula to protect your roses
This is information you need to know! And now, you can be one of the first to own The Magic of Baking Soda, by Emily Thacker! As you know, bestselling author, Emily Thacker, is well-known and respected for her many natural health books."
PHood for Life
Jenny reduced her tumor size dramatically in just a few weeks by balancing her pH levels with baking soda and diet! Find out how and why baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), among other natural treatments, kills cancer and why we don't hear about it. After being diagnosed with cancer in the exact same location that her Mother had found hers and subsequently passed away from, Jenny was let in on an astonishing secret. The secret that natural, harmless ways to healing and prevent cancer already exist and that this information has been suppressed for over a century. After successfully beating cancer and other ailments while on these methods, Jenny is now sharing the research, information and experiences from them in 12 steps.
Jenny reduced her tumor size dramatically in just a few weeks by balancing her pH levels with baking soda and diet!"
The Natural Apothecary of Baking Soda
The Natural Apothecary of Baking Soda: Tips for Home, Health, and Beauty" is a comprehensive guide to the many benefits of baking soda. Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, has been used for centuries for its medicinal and household uses. This book provides readers with a range of information on how to incorporate baking soda into their daily routines. The book begins with an introduction to the history and benefits of baking soda. The author explains how baking soda has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and the scientific evidence behind its effectiveness in treating a range of ailments such as acid reflux and urinary tract infections. The next section of the book focuses on the household uses of baking soda. Baking soda is a versatile and effective cleaning agent, and the author provides readers with easy-to-follow recipes for using baking soda to clean everything from kitchen surfaces to laundry. The third section of the book covers the beauty benefits of baking soda. Baking soda can be used to exfoliate the skin, whiten teeth, and even as a natural deodorant. The author provides readers with easy-to-follow recipes for using baking soda in their beauty routines. The book also includes a section on the use of baking soda in cooking and baking. The author provides a range of recipes that incorporate baking soda, from fluffy pancakes to homemade bread. One of the standout features of "The Natural Apothecary of Baking Soda" is the author's emphasis on sustainability and reducing waste. The author provides tips on how to reduce waste by using baking soda to create homemade cleaning and beauty products, and how to reduce the environmental impact of your household cleaning routine. Overall, "The Natural Apothecary of Baking Soda: Tips for Home, Health, and Beauty" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to incorporate baking soda into their daily routines. With its easy-to-follow recipes and detailed information on the benefits of baking soda for health, home, and beauty, this book provides readers with the tools to improve their overall health and well-being while also reducing their environmental impact. Whether you are looking to enhance your beauty routine, clean your home naturally, or simply add some flavor to your cooking, this book is a must-read.
This book provides readers with a range of information on how to incorporate baking soda into their daily routines. The book begins with an introduction to the history and benefits of baking soda."
USITC Publication
Currently , there are five domestic producers of natural sodium carbonate and only one producer of the synthetic material ... There are three domestic manufacturers of sodium bicarbonate operating a total of four production facilities ."
Anti-inflammatory Oxygen Therapy
It is invisible, it is powerful, and it is life sustaining. It is oxygen. We inhale it every day of our lives, and while it makes up only 21 percent of the air we breathe, it is key to our very existence. The more we learn about its healing properties, the more we recognize its tremendous potential as a medical treatment for many serious disorders. Yet few have known about its important therapeutic uses--until now. In his new book, Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy, best-selling author Dr. Mark Sircus examines the remarkable benefits oxygen therapy offers, from detoxification to treatments for disorders such as arthritis and aging, with a special emphasis on cancer. While the term "oxygen therapy" conjures images of a crucially ill patient lying in a hospital bed with tubes strapped to his face, this book will show that oxygen can offer so much more. Dr. Sircus first looks at the nature of oxygen and its purpose in the body. He then provides an understanding of how inflammation works to destroy the body's tissues over time, and how oxygen can reverse this process. He examines the current treatments that use hyperbaric oxygen chambers as well as newer protocols that employ this vital element. In addition, Dr. Sircus offers a simple, safe, and highly effective fifteen-minute technique that can be used in the privacy of your home so that you can enjoy maximum benefits for a healthier life. If you are wondering why you haven't heard about this "miracle" treatment before, the truth is that oxygen cannot be patented, it is not expensive, and you don't have to be a specialist to use it. Without a tremendous profit behind it, it's become a well-kept secret, but the facts speak for themselves. In this book, you will learn these life-altering facts--information that could change your health for the better.
Without a tremendous profit behind it, it's become a well-kept secret, but the facts speak for themselves. In this book, you will learn these life-altering facts--information that could change your health for the better."
I. The Total Synthesis of Thiarubrine C, a DNA-cleaving Natural 1,2-dithin; II. Application of (alkoxycarbonylamino)methyl Radical Cyclization to the Total Synthesis of (+̲)-sibirine.260:
of aqueous sodium thiosulfate (0. 1 M, 20 mL) and saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate (20 mL). The resulting mixture was extracted with ethyl acetate (2 x 30 mL), and the combined organic layers were washed first with saturated aqueous ..."
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