Thursday, June 22, 2023

Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation - Merriam, Sharan B.; Tisdell, Elizabeth J. Review & Synopsis

Synopsis The bestselling guide to qualitative research, updated and expanded Qualitative Research is the essential guide to understanding, designing, conducting, and presenting a qualitative research study. This fourth edition features new material covering mixed methods, action research, arts-based research, online data sources, and the latest in data analysis, including data analysis software packages as well as narrative and poetic analysis strategies. A new section offers multiple ways of presenting qualitative research findings. The reader-friendly, jargon-free style makes this book accessible to both novice and experienced researchers, emphasizing the role of a theoretical framework in designing a study while providing practical guidance. Qualitative research reaches beyond the what, where, and when of quantitative analysis to investigate the why and how behind human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior, but this presents a number of significant challenges. This guide is an invaluable reference for students and practitioners alike, providing the deep understanding that this sometimes difficult area of research requires to produce accurate results. The book contains a step-by-step guide to analyzing qualitative data and an addendum for graduate students with a template for a thesis, dissertation, or grant application. >> Build a strong foundation in qualitative research theory and application >> Design and implement effective qualitative research studies >> Communicate findings more successfully with clear presentation >> Explore data sources, data analysis tools, and the different types of research Review Thoroughly revised and updated, the fourth edition of Qualitative Research offers researchers, faculty, and students a step-by-step guide to understanding, designing, conducting, and presenting a qualitative research study. The book is filled with practical advice and proven guidance for building a strong foundation in qualitative research theory and application; designing and implementing effective qualitative research studies; communicating findings more successfully with clear presentation; and exploring data sources, data analysis tools, and the different types of research. Written in jargon-free terms, Qualitative Research is designed to be accessible to both novice and experienced researchers. The authors also include an addendum with a template for a thesis, dissertation, or grant application. Praise for the fourth edition of Qualitative Research "Amidst a crowd of contenders, this book is my top recommendation for researching experience and meaning that informs professional practices." -Dan Pratt, senior scholar, Centre for Health Education Scholarship, University of British Columbia "There is no other book that comes close to this one in explaining and expanding knowledge of qualitative research. Not only are the basics of the research process addressed, but also the intricacies and challenges of analyzing and reporting on the data. Researchers will be pleased to see in this edition guidance on how to present their data in ways that are artistic and creative. No doubt this book will change the way we think about and publish qualitative research." -Leona M. English, head of publications and research, UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning, Hamburg SHARAN B. MERRIAM is professor emerita of adult education at the University of Georgia. She is the author, coauthor, or editor of more than fifteen books, including Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice and Qualitative Research in Practice, both from Jossey-Bass. ELIZABETH J. TISDELL is professor of adult education and coordinator of the doctoral program in adult education at Penn State University Harrisburg. Qualitative Research The bestselling guide to qualitative research, updated and expanded Qualitative Research is the essential guide to understanding, designing, conducting, and presenting a qualitative research study. This fourth edition features new material covering mixed methods, action research, arts-based research, online data sources, and the latest in data analysis, including data analysis software packages as well as narrative and poetic analysis strategies. A new section offers multiple ways of presenting qualitative research findings. The reader-friendly, jargon-free style makes this book accessible to both novice and experienced researchers, emphasizing the role of a theoretical framework in designing a study while providing practical guidance. Qualitative research reaches beyond the what, where, and when of quantitative analysis to investigate the why and how behind human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior, but this presents a number of significant challenges. This guide is an invaluable reference for students and practitioners alike, providing the deep understanding that this sometimes difficult area of research requires to produce accurate results. The book contains a step-by-step guide to analyzing qualitative data and an addendum for graduate students with a template for a thesis, dissertation, or grant application. Build a strong foundation in qualitative research theory and application Design and implement effective qualitative research studies Communicate findings more successfully with clear presentation Explore data sources, data analysis tools, and the different types of research No doubt this book will change the way we think about and publish qualitative research." —Leona M. English, head of publications and research, UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning, Hamburg" PERAN PEMURIDAN KELOMPOK KECIL DALAM PEMBENTUKAN IMAN YANG TANGGUH MENGHADAPI PERGUMULAN HIDUP Pergumulan merupakan bagian dari hidup manusia. Untuk menghadapi pergumulan hidupnya, orang percaya perlu memiliki iman yang tangguh (resilient faith), yang pembentukannya dapat terjadi melalui pemuridan kelompok kecil. Monograf ini merupakan pemaparan hasil penelitian kualitatif yang menjawab faktor-faktor apa sajakah di dalam pemuridan kelompok kecil yang memengaruhi pertumbuhan iman yang tangguh jemaat Tuhan. Diharapkan hasil studi ini dapat mendorong gereja-gereja untuk menjalankan pemuridan kelompok kecil makin konsisten dan efektif. Marshall dan Payne , dalam buku The Trellis and the Vine , mengatakan ada tiga metode yang dapat digunakan oleh gereja ... 9. Chan, A Certain Kind: Intentional Disciplemaking That Redefines Success in Ministry, 51. 10. Colin Marshall ..." Death Rituals among the Karanga of Zimbabwe One of the inescapable truths that humanity has to grapple with is the reality of death. The manner in which we die, or the cause of our death, may differ, but death remains inevitable. We may be afraid of it or not; we may try to evade it, or not, but death still comes. Although most religions promise the possibility of another life in the hereafter, there is no scientifically verifiable evidence about the reality of that life. Despite that lack of evidence, every culture performs death rituals meticulously to prepare the spirits of its deceased for whatever form of life that may be available. Death Rituals among the Karanga of Zimbabwe: Praxis, Significance, and Changes explores the causes of sickness and death, and the praxis of pre-burial, burial, and post-burial rituals of the Karanga of Zimbabwe in an attempt to unearth their original form and significance, to identify the changes that have taken place. It also provides a brief manual for the performance of some selected Karanga death rituals. Merriam , Sharan B . and Tisdell , Elizabeth J . Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation . th ed. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, . Mishra, Vijay. “Postcolonialism – ”. In e Journal of Commonwealth Literature." Qualitative Research, Second Edition The second edition of Qualitative Research responds to the growing need in Doctor of Ministry programs for a textbook that guides students in Participatory Action Research, prospectus, and dissertation that reflect the recent trends in the discipline of practical theology. The Standards of Accreditation for the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools states, “The Doctor of Ministry is an advanced, professionally oriented degree that prepares people more deeply for religious leadership in congregations and other settings.” Standard 5.3 states, “The Doctor of Ministry degree has clearly articulated student learning outcomes that are consistent with the school’s mission and resources and address the following four areas: (a) advanced theological integration that helps graduates effectively engage their cultural context with theological acumen and critical thinking; (b) in-depth contextual competency that gives graduates the ability to identify, frame, and respond to crucial ministry issues; (c) leadership capacity that equips graduates to enhance their effectiveness as ministry leaders in their chosen settings; and (d) personal and spiritual maturity that enables graduates to reinvigorate and deepen their vocational calling.” In accordance with the standards, Qualitative Research guides students through appropriate research methods to satisfy the objectives of the degree in order to enhance ministerial leadership for the transformation of communities of practice. 2nd ed. Jossey-Bass Higher Adult Education Series. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. Merriam , Sharan B ., and Elizabeth J . Tisdell . Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation . Jossey-Bass Higher Adult Education Series." Research Handbook of Expatriates McKenna, S.D. (2010), “Adjustment” of the independent expatriate – a case study of Doug', Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 5 (3), 280–298. Merriam , Sharan , B . and Elizabeth , J ..." Measuring Compliance Measuring Corporate Compliance is a 'one-stop-shop' for individuals looking to assess the effectiveness of compliance programs and policies. Designing Qualitative Research, 3rd ed., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Merriam , Sharan B . and Elizabeth J . Tisdell . 2016. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation , 4th ed., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass." With Great Power Comes Great Pedagogy Contributions by Bart Beaty, Jenny Blenk, Ben Bolling, Peter E. Carlson, Johnathan Flowers, Antero Garcia, Dale Jacobs, Ebony Flowers Kalir, James Kelley, Susan E. Kirtley, Frederik Byrn Køhlert, John A. Lent, Leah Misemer, Johnny Parker II, Nick Sousanis, Aimee Valentine, and Benjamin J. Villarreal More and more educators are using comics in the classroom. As such, this edited volume sets out the stakes, definitions, and exemplars of recent comics pedagogy, from K-12 contexts to higher education instruction to ongoing communities of scholars working outside of the academy. Building upon interdisciplinary approaches to teaching comics and teaching with comics, this book brings together diverse voices to share key theories and research on comics pedagogy. By gathering scholars, creators, and educators across various fields and in K-12 as well as university settings, editors Susan E. Kirtley, Antero Garcia, and Peter E. Carlson significantly expand scholarship. This valuable resource offers both critical pieces and engaging interviews with key comics professionals who reflect on their own teaching experience and on considerations of the benefits of creating comics in education. Included are interviews with acclaimed comics writers Lynda Barry, Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue DeConnick, and David Walker, as well as essays spanning from studying the use of superhero comics in the classroom to the ways comics can enrich and empower young readers. The inclusion of creators, scholars, and teachers leads to perspectives that make this volume unlike any other currently available. These voices echo the diverse needs of the many stakeholders invested in using comics in education today. Kixmiller, Lori A. S.“Standards without Sacrifice: The Case for Authentic Writing.” English Journal 94, no. 1 (2004): 29–33. Merriam , Sharan B ., and Elizabeth J . Tisdell . Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation ." New and Old Horizons in the Orality Movement Orality formed us. Orality forms us. Orality will forever form us. Orality is a central theme of our lives. In this fast-paced world, few Christian workers take the time to look back to learn and build on the lessons of the past. Wise Christian workers, however, do not forge ahead into new horizons without first investigating past horizons. They understand in this complex world there are too many strong shoulders of the past to be overlooked. The dozen practiced researchers contributing to New and Old Horizons in the Orality Movement offer such inquirers wisdom from the past that can boldly and boundlessly improve the future of the modern-day orality movement. Merriam , Sharan B . “Adult Learning eory: Evolution and Future Directions.” PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning ( ) – . Merriam , Sharan B ., and Elizabeth J . Tisdell . Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation . th ed." Sejarah pendidikan Islam History of Islamic religious education in Indonesia. History of Islamic religious education in Indonesia." Semantik Theory and analysis of semantics of Indonesian language. Theory and analysis of semantics of Indonesian language." Hermeneutika gadamerian Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universitas Airlangga, 2005. Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universitas Airlangga, 2005." Filsafat Jawa On Javanese philosophy and ethics."

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