Friday, June 16, 2023
Mormon Doctrine - McConkie, Bruce R. Review & Synopsis
This work on Mormon Doctrine is designed to help persons seeking salvation to gain that knowledge of God and his laws without which they cannot hope for an inheritance in the celestial city.
Since it is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance of God and his laws, and since man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge of Jesus Christ and the plan of salvation, it follows that men are obligated at their peril to learn and apply the true doctrines of the gospel.
This gospel compendium will enable men, more effectively, to "teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom"; to "be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient" for them "to understand." (D. & C. 88:77-78.)
Lectures on Faith
This special edition of the Lectures on Faith from Zion’s Camp Books is formatted for convenience on an eReader, with more than 100 internal links to scriptures and citations. We hope it will give you a great reading experience! The Lectures on Faith were originally prepared as materials for the School of the Prophets in Kirtland, Ohio in 1834 and were included in the Doctrine and Covenants from 1835 to 1921. Although the Lectures on Faith have never been accepted as revelation by the body of the church (and so were removed from the Doctrine and Covenants in 1921), they contain important doctrinal insights that can help anyone seeking to learn more about faith and come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. President Joseph Fielding Smith noted, “I suppose that the rising generation knows little about the Lectures on Faith. . . . In my own judgment, these Lectures are of great value and should be studied. . . . I consider them to be of extreme value in the study of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Seek Ye Earnestly. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1970.) Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has stated the lectures contain “some of the best lesson material ever prepared on the Godhead; on the character, perfections, and attributes of God; on faith, miracles, and sacrifice. They can be studied with great profit by all gospel scholars.” (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966.)
This special edition of the Lectures on Faith from Zion’s Camp Books is formatted for convenience on an eReader, with more than 100 internal links to scriptures and citations."
“This Is My Doctrine”: The Development of Mormon Theology
The principal doctrines defining Mormonism today often bear little resemblance to those it started out with in the early 1830s. This book shows that these doctrines did not originate in a vacuum but were rather prompted and informed by the religious culture from which Mormonism arose. Early Mormons, like their early Christian and even earlier Israelite predecessors, brought with them their own varied culturally conditioned theological presuppositions (a process of convergence) and only later acquired a more distinctive theological outlook (a process of differentiation). In this first-of-its-kind comprehensive treatment of the development of Mormon theology, Charles Harrell traces the history of Latter-day Saint doctrines from the times of the Old Testament to the present. He describes how Mormonism has carried on the tradition of the biblical authors, early Christians, and later Protestants in reinterpreting scripture to accommodate new theological ideas while attempting to uphold the integrity and authority of the scriptures. In the process, he probes three questions: How did Mormon doctrines develop? What are the scriptural underpinnings of these doctrines? And what do critical scholars make of these same scriptures? In this enlightening study, Harrell systematically peels back the doctrinal accretions of time to provide a fresh new look at Mormon theology. “This Is My Doctrine” will provide those already versed in Mormonism’s theological tradition with a new and richer perspective of Mormon theology. Those unacquainted with Mormonism will gain an appreciation for how Mormon theology fits into the larger Jewish and Christian theological traditions.
President Woodruff's lead in equating “generation” in Doctrine and Covenants 84 with the current gospel dispensation. See, for example, Richard O. Cowan, ... Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , 624. 37. Bruce R . McConkie , A New Witness ..."
Mormons and the Bible
Philip L. Barlow offers an in-depth analysis of the approaches taken to the Bible by major Mormon leaders, from its beginnings to the present. He shows that Mormon attitudes toward the Bible comprise an extraordinary mix of conservative, liberal, and radical ingredients: an almost fundamentalist adherence to the King James Version co-exists with belief in the possibility of new revelation and surprising ideas about the limits of human language. Barlow's exploration takes important steps toward unraveling the mystery of this quintessential American religious phenomenon. This updated edition of Mormons and the Bible includes an extended bibliography and a new preface, casting Joseph Smith's mission into a new frame and treating evolutions in Mormonism's biblical usage in recent decades.
Crawley, “Pratt,” 21; Alexander, “The Reconstruction of Mormon Doctrine : From Joseph Smith to Progressive Theology” in ... Bruce R . McConkie : A Family Portrait,” This People 6 (December 1986): 48–54, 57–58, 61–63; (no listed author), ..."
Science, Religion, and Mormon Cosmology
Merrill, who urged a unique vision of reality that shaped a Mormon eschatology. He shows how authorities eventually retreated from the perception of reality as "true" and adopted a scientifically less secure position in order to protect their theology, an eventuality which ultimately resulted in a reactionary response to science within Mormonism.
... compendium Mormon Doctrine , published in 1958 by Smith's son - in - law Bruce R . McConkie , one of the most influential neoliteralist theologians.35 Shortly after McConkie's book was pub- lished and because McConkie wrote his book ..."
The God Makers
“This book is dynamite! The most powerful thing I’ve read on the subject. Get your Mormon friends to read it.” —Dr. John MacArthur Pastor-Teacher, Grace Community Church, CA Mormons claim to follow the same God and the same Jesus as Christians. They also state that their gospel comes from the Bible. But are they telling the truth? The God Makers, one of the most powerful books to penetrate the veil of secrecy surrounding the rituals and doctrines of the Mormon Church, reveals the inner workings and beliefs of Mormonism. Through personal interviews and well-documented evidence, you’ll discover the true nature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its hidden worldwide agenda.
A Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes Ed Decker, Dave Hunt ... Doctrine and Covenants 42 : 30-35 . 34. Leland Gentry , op . cit . , p . ... Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , op . cit . , pp . 338 , 813 . 6."
Good News for Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)
It is no exaggeration to say that the Mormons (the Latter-day Saints) are a fascinating people. Since 1830, they have been a part of the great mosaic of America. Persecuted by mobs, driven from place to place, their incredible courage in the face of unrelenting hostility has wielded them into a formidable presence, especially in the State of Utah. Founded in New York State by the charismatic Joseph Smith Jr., he said he was personally commissioned by God to restore pure Christianity to the world. The Book of Mormon, this "most perfect book" was his initial written, binding revelation to his church. Joseph Smith was a controversial figure in his day-accused of being a fraud, a racist, a womanizer, a disrupter of good morals, and a dictator. One thing he did do well was to gather people into his church, make them believe in themselves, and strengthen them into being a formidable force for Mormonism. Smith led them through armed conflict against hostile neighbors, even against government militias. Gun battles and extreme violence were commonplace. Eventually, Joseph Smith was captured and assassinated, all this by age forty. Nobody was convicted of his murder. Smith is perhaps the most understudied, under-estimated, and misunderstood character in American history. "He was no ordinary man." When his successor Brigham Young led the Latter-day Saints to a place of sanctuary (today's Salt Lake City, Utah), it was one of the most epic, unifying journeys in American history. In the past, some of their unusual practices were total obedience to the leadership, blood atonement, and especially polygamy. Some of these were discarded (1890), so today most Mormons are good neighbors. However, there are Mormon "outlaws" who still practice such unsavory things, hoping to resume them all. One goal of the early saints was to conquer Missouri, next the entire country, then the world. Today, the Mormon Church is one of the wealthiest and most powerful organizations on the planet. Its influence and missionary outreach is worldwide. As possibly the fastest-growing faith in the world, maybe someday they will succeed. Then what will be next?
Houghey, Hal. Archaeology and the Book of Mormon. Concord, California: Pacific Publishing Co., 1975. James , William . The Varieties of Religious Experience : A Study of Human Nature , Penguin Classics, 1982; New York: Modern Library , 1999."
The Wide Divide
Most people are not aware of the wide divide that exists between Mormonism and Christianity. Members of the LDS Church are taught not to question the teachings of the church despite the leaders being instructed to manipulate the facts and hide the truth whenever it is deemed useful to do so. The Wide Divide is a comprehensive and chronological study of Mormonism rendered in a holistic rather than a topical approach. It covers the panorama of early Mormon history with a comprehensive analysis of its doctrine. The major premise of the book is, "Are Mormons Christian?" If you are a Mormon, it is very critical that you answer this question correctly before you meet Jesus in eternity. Please do so.
Smith, Doctrines Of Salvation, 1:133–138. 995 McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , 92. Bruce R . McConkie , Letter from Bruce R . McConkie to Thomas B. McAffee, (October 18, 1978), blood_atonement.htm."
Perspectives on Latter-day Saint Names and Naming
Perspectives on Latter-day Saint Names and Naming approaches cultural, historical, and doctrinal dimensions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through a fresh lens that explores how these dimensions intersect with names and naming. Featuring a collection of chapters from multiple authors, its bipartite structure examines fascinating topics in relation to the Church, looking first at cultural and historical perspectives before analyzing doctrinal and scriptural perspectives. The book discusses such matters as how contemporary naming practices of Latter-day Saints compare to those outside the faith, how code names were used in one of the faith’s books of scripture to protect Church leaders from persecution, and how names and naming relate to the covenant identity of Church members. Through its fresh approach to understanding religious identity and belief in relation to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this book is an invaluable resource for scholars and students of Mormon studies and will also be of interest to people with a fascination with names and naming issues as those occur in a variety of settings, including religious ones.
Among his most popular books are those in The Stormlight Archive series, whose fifth novel is scheduled to be published in 2023. In March 2022, Sanderson made news when he solicited funds on Kickstarter to independently publish four ..."
Witness to Christmas
Never before in mankind's history has it been more important to understand the story of the birth of Jesus, and yet, even though it has been told countless times, it is not fully understood by the majority of people. To many, it has become a crA"che on the mantelpiece, special church services, gift giving, and family time together. These may all be worthy things, to be sure, but the event was-and still is-so much more! This book explains the reality of Christmas and its part in the Father's eternal plan. It fills in the gaps, provides the proper order, and introduces the significant participants-all of them. This it does in the context of the times, the places, and the customs. Those marvelous events did not occur out of mere happenstance, but they had been planned before the foundation of this little planet and prophesied for centuries, even millennia, before they occurred. They rolled forth exactly as the Father planned. Not only will you come to know the purpose of each event, but in each and every case, you will discover that there were credible witnesses who testified to what they saw and heard. It will lift Christmas from out of the mythology that it has become and restore it back to its rightful place as the marvelous reality that it is. Most importantly, you will also learn how you personally can gain the undeniable assurance that the words of the witnesses are true. It's possible! In fact, after reading this book and applying for the assurances of the Holy Spirit, you will know the events of the first Christmas so well, you will have the feeling you were actually there-and perhaps you were!
Bruce R . McConkie (1915–1985) was one of the most prolific and respected LDS writers of all time. Several of his books became classics in their own day for their thorough treatment of Mormon doctrine and teachings."
Mormon Women Have Their Say
The Claremont Women's Oral History Project has collected hundreds of interviews with Mormon women of various ages, experiences, and levels of activity. These interviews record the experiences of these women in their homes and family life, their church life, and their work life, in their roles as homemakers, students, missionaries, career women, single women, converts, and disaffected members. Their stories feed into and illuminate the broader narrative of LDS history and belief, filling in a large gap in Mormon history that has often neglected the lived experiences of women. This project preserves and perpetuates their voices and memories, allowing them to say share what has too often been left unspoken. The silent majority speaks in these records. This volume is the first to explore the riches of the collection in print. A group of young scholars and others have used the interviews to better understand what Mormonism means to these women and what women mean for Mormonism. They explore those interviews through the lenses of history, doctrine, mythology, feminist theory, personal experience, and current events to help us understand what these women have to say about their own faith and lives.
In competition with the concept of independent reproductive sovereignty was Bruce R . McConkie's Mormon Doctrine , published in 1958. In this book, McConkie repeated a warning from 1917 by Joseph F. Smith that users of birth control were ..."
The People of the Bible and the Book of Mormon
The people who were written about in the Book of Mormon have forgotten and abandoned their Jewish culture, traditions, and customs. From the time they left Jerusalem, they became New Testament Christians in their ways and actions. The Torah and the Book of Mormon are different in their writings. The Torah shows a God who delivered them from slavery in Egypt, and eventually brought them to live in Canaan. They were given laws that would help them in the new land and help them remember God. They had a way of life that centered around the Temple in Jerusalem and sacrificial worship. The Book of Mormon shows a group of people who were from the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh but called themselves Jews. They left Jerusalem at the urging of God, took several years to reach the sea, built a ship, and sailed to the Americas. Upon their arrival, they began living Christian, rather than Jewish, lives.
“Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons).” Martin, Walter. The Kingdom of the Cults. Bloomington: Bethany House Publishers, 2003. 192-259. McConkie , Bruce R . “Godhood.” Mormon Doctrine . Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1979."
Engaging with Mormons
Many people see Mormons as just another branch of the Christian church, and to be admired, perhaps, for their family life, morality and upright culture. But the theology and spirituality of this cult are very far from an orthodox biblical understanding of true saving faith. And yet Christians are often fearful of engaging in conversations about the gospel with Mormons, knowing that there are suspicions and complex issues that lie beneath the surface. This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches to understand more about the beliefs, mindset and motivations of those who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons), and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the importance of forming loving, honest and open relationships as part of the way we engage with our Mormon friends and neighbors, and with those who may come knocking at our doors.
[6] Rodney Stark, “Modernization and Mormon Growth: The Secularization Thesis Revisited,” in Contemporary Mormonism: Social Science Perspectives, ed. ... [9] Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine (Bookcraft, 1966), 670."
My Kingdom Come
To a Mormon, happiness may be Family Home Evening, and families may be forever, but becoming an actual god is the ultimate goal of every member of the church. Mormons believe the reason for coming to earth from the planet near the great star Kolob is to gain bodies for our spirit beings and to be tested. To become gods, they need to be Mormons, to go through the temple to learn the signs and tokens for entry to the celestial glory and to be obedient unto death to the holy prophet. Everything else is tied to, and wraps around, this one goal. Today, Mormon Mitt Romney is a major candidate for the White House, A man who would be god. An entire chapter is devoted to the Mormon Plan for America and the rise of Mitt Romney. It is a warning and a must read for every Christian.
8 Martin Raish, "All That Glitters: Uncovering Fool's Gold in Book of Mormon Archaeology," Sunstone, Vol. ... 1 Ensign, May 1977, p.49 2 Mormon Doctrine , by LDS Apostle Bruce R . McConkie , p.828; D&C 29:36-41 3 Mormon Doctrine , McConkie , ..."
Mormonism: A Historical Encyclopedia
Covering its historic development, important individuals, and central ideas and issues, this encyclopedia offers broad historical coverage of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. • 140 entries on individuals, places, events, and issues • An overview section of six essays tracing the history of Mormonism from Joseph Smith's vision to years of global expansion that began in the mid-20th century • 50 contributors who are among the world's foremost scholars on the Mormon religion and its history • A chronology of Mormonism from its beginnings in upstate New York to its current status as a globalized church headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah • A bibliography of the latest scholarship on Mormon history
References McConkie , Bruce R . "All Are Alike unto God." Address. Second Annual CES Symposium, Salt Lake City, August 1978. (August 4 2009). McConkie , Bruce R . Mormon Doctrine ."
Book of Mormon
BOOK of MORMON: THE BIGGER PICTURE isn't just a simple synopsis of stories from the Book of Mormon supplemented by interesting commentaries, but in the bigger scheme of things, it shows a much "bigger picture" of the Book of Mormon filled with an array of aids to help us reach a better over-all understanding of the Book of Mormon and pique our interest in this important book of scripture. It includes fascinating sidebars on the Hill Cumorah, on historical metal plates from ancient civilizations, on age-old Middle Eastern cultural oddities, and the fascinating Semitic linguistics that Joseph Smith couldn't possibly have been familiar with. It also contains pertinent special quotes from Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, as well as many of our modern day prophets, and even Abraham Lincoln. It continually points out the many evidences that preclude Joseph Smith having fabricated this special Book.
The highly respected General Authority, Apostle and LDS author, Bruce R , McConkie helps us gain a clearer picture of exactly what was on the Gold plates. Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , p.326 GOLD PLATES “As we now have it, ..."
Mormonism Mama And Me
Raised in the Mormon church, she dreamed of becoming a 'heavenly queen.' A personal account of one woman's Mormon heritage and her conversion to the Christian faith. Examines several important tenets of the Mormon faith.
Ex-Mormon pioneering for the real Jesus 23. Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , p. 329. 1. John J. Steward, Brigham Young and His Wives, p. 22. 2. Ann Eliza Young, Wife No. 19, pp. 70-71. 3. Rodney Turner, The Position of Adam in ..."
The Mormon Contradiction
In the early 1820s a young boy named Joseph Smith claimed that God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and told him to found a new church. Thus began Mormonism, a faith that has grown to thirteen million members worldwide. The Mormon Contradiction: In Their Own Words offers the reader an insight into what the Mormon Church is really all about, including: § Where the Book of Mormon really came from § Joseph Smith's personal history and use of Occultism and Freemasonry § The original accounts of what happened to Smith's apostles during visions, as related by them § The Masonic and Occult roots of Mormon Temple ceremonies and oaths, including the use of Occult symbols in the architecture of the Salt Lake Temple § The Book of Abraham proven to be a fabrication § Who The Danites were § The original versions of LDS revelations, including the doctrine of polygamy and the Manifesto § DNA evidence proving the Book of Mormon's history of Native Americans to be false § Linguistic and anthropological studies proving there was no migration of Jews to the New World
Apostle Bruce R . McConkie14 "From the days ofJoseph Smith to the present, wicked and evilly-disposed persons have ... Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine Apostle Bruce R . McConkie15 once explained: "As a mode of capital punishment, ..."
The Mormon Missionaries
A presentation of the various techniques and strategies used by Mormon missionaries. Based on the author's firsthand experience in Mormonism.
Mormons believe that the keys that Elijah restored , were the " seal- ing " keys . The appropriateness of Elijah restoring these ... Spokesman and Apostle , Bruce R . McConkie , in Mormon Doctrine 2d ed . ( Salt Lake City : Bookcraft ..."
Mormonism For Dummies
Get the facts on temples, tithing, missions, and caffeine Mormon doctrines, rituals, and history, demystified at last! Mormonism, or the LDS Church, is one of the world's fastest growing religions. But unless you were raised a Mormon, you probably don't have a clear picture of LDS beliefs and practices. Covering everything from Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon to tithing and family home evening, this friendly guide will get you up to speed in no time. Discover: * How the LDS Church differs from other Christian churches * What Mormons believe * What happens in Mormon temples and meetinghouses * The history of the LDS Church * LDS debates on race, women, and polygamy
... 273 matter, 43–44 Matthew (book of Bible), 174 McConkie , Bruce R . ( Mormon Doctrine ), 254 meat, 279 media image, 228 medical treatment, 71 meetinghouse architecture, 94 baptism process, 102–103 funeral, 105–106 key D&C scriptures, ..."
“The Learning of the Jews”
This volume is about Latter-day Saints learning from Jews and the Jewish experience. This book is unique. It is not a traditional interfaith dialogue where the goal is to learn from each other. Rather, Latter-day Saints seek to give Jews the microphone, so to speak, and let them talk about themselves on their own terms. Only then do Latter-day Saint respond, and not with the goal of establishing areas of agreement or disagreement but as an opportunity to learn from Jews. This book turns to the wisdom of Jews and Judaism to inform, inspire, and enhance the lived religious experience of Latter-day Saints. The Learning of the Jews brings together fifteen scholars, seven Jewish and eight Latter-day Saint, with a combined academic experience of over four hundred years. The volume is structured around seven major topics, two chapters on each topic. A Jewish scholar first discusses the topic broadly vis-à-vis Judaism, followed by a response from a Latter-day Saint scholar. The seven topics include scripture, authority, prayer, women and modernity, remembrance, particularity, and humor. The intention is that the reader will not only learn a great deal about Judaism and the Jewish experience while reading this volume but also use what they learn to enhance their own cultural and religious experience. Contents: Introduction - Trevan G. Hatch and Leonard J. Greenspoon 1a. Approaching Scripture: Insights from Judaism - Gary A. Rendsburg 1b. Maturing Latter-day Saint Approaches to Scripture - Ben Spackman 2a. Neither Prophet nor Priest: Authority and the Emergence of the Rabbis in Judaism - Peter Haas 2b. What’s the Church’s Official Position on Official Positions? Grappling with “Truth” and “Authority” - Trevan Hatch 3a. Approaching God: A Jewish Approach to Prayer - Peter Knobel 3b. Approaching God: Jewish and Latter-day Saint Prayer and Worship - Loren D. Marks and David C. Dollahite 4a. Women and Judaism in the Contemporary World: Tradition in Tension - Ellen Lasser LeVee 4b. Modern Mormon Women in a Patriarchal Church - Camille Fronk Olson 5a. Faith as Memory: Theologies of the Jewish Holidays - Byron L. Sherwin 5b. Memory in Ritual Life9 - Ashley Brocious 6a. Sacrality and Particularity: Jews in an Early Modern Context9 - Dean Phillip Bell 6b. Building Sacred Community: A Response to Dean Phillip Bell - Andrew C. Reed 7a. It’s Funny, But Is it Jewish? It’s Jewish, But Is It Funny? An Understated Overview of Jewish Humor - Leonard Greenspoon 7b. Why We’ll Probably Never Have Grouchos of Our Own (But Maybe a Seinfeld) - Shawn Tucker
Retrieved from the Eugene England Foundation at http://www.eugeneengland .org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/BRM-to-EE-Feb-80-Combined.pdf; accessed January 12, 2021; emphasis added. 21. Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , 2nd ed."
Secrets Mormons Don't Want You to Know
Most Christians only see the "public" face of Mormonism, thanks to their persuasive PR campaigns: clean-faced young people, parents committed to family values, and spectacular temples. But what do Mormons really believe? In this revealing book you'll learn their shocking doctrines, like: It's good to lie... to protect the church. There are millions of gods. God was once a man, and became a god. We can become gods, too. Jesus and Lucifer were spirit brothers. We all have an "Eternal Mother." God is a polygamist. The Jesus of the Bible was a polygamist. The Jesus of Christianity is NOT the Jesus of Mormonism. Sins are forgiven through good works. Salvation by faith in Jesus is "utter nonsense." Black people were cursed by God. A group of gods helped Jesus form the earth. Some sins require the shedding of your own blood. You'll also read the moving testimony of former Mormon, Cindy Benson. She reveals from personal experience the ugly, hidden side of Mormonism. She was only eleven years old when her 53-year-old father announced that a 15-year-old girl must become his second wife. Once you know what Mormons really believe, you will be better equipped to witness to them. Here is what Mormon leaders really taught their members, and what the Bible has to say about it. We believe this book will help you create burning questions "instead of a "burning in the bosom") for Mormons you know. And the Bible verses are right there to give you the answer.
As each of these persons is a God, it is evident, from this standpoint alone, that a plurality of Gods exist.”3 “There are three Gods—the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost...”4 Joseph. 1) Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , p."
What is Mormonism?
What is Mormonism? A Student’s Introduction is an easy-to-read and informative overview of the religion founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. This short and lively book covers Mormonism’s history, core beliefs, rituals, and devotional practices, as well as the impact on the daily lives of its followers. The book focuses on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Salt Lake City-based church that is the largest and best-known expression of Mormonism, whilst also exploring lesser known churches that claim descent from Smith’s original revelations. Designed for undergraduate religious studies and history students, What is Mormonism? provides a reliable and easily digestible introduction to a steadily growing religion that continues to befuddle even learned observers of American religion and culture.
The precise content of those beliefs and practices, particularly in their dominant forms in contemporary Mormonism, ... 3 Harold Bloom, “Will This Election Be the Mormon Breakthrough? ... 7 Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , 2nd ed."
As the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west: so shall also the coming of the son of man be.
Apostle Bruce R . McConkie wrote in Mormon Doctrine , The first spirit to be born in heaven was Jesus, p. 129, and That Lucifer, the son of the morning, is our elder brother and the brother of Jesus Christ ( Bruce R . McConkie , ..."
The Latter-day Saint Experience in America
The greatest colonizing force in United States history, Mormonism has outgrown its 19th-century isolation and theocratic roots to become one of the most prosperous and respected Christian communities in the country. This book examines the history of the movement, and carefully considers the reasons behind a perennial discord with American culture - and the U.S. government - that only waned in the early decades of the twentieth century.
An insightful analysis of Mormon theology from a sociological perspective . McConkie , Bruce R . Mormon Doctrine . Salt Lake City : Bookcraft , 1958. Not a compendium of official doctrine , but an enormously influential , encyclopedic ..."
The Mormon Deception
The Mormon Deception examines the LDS claim to be the only true church of Jesus Christ on the earth. It shows how Mormon teaching on salvation conflicts with biblical teaching. It also explains why Mormonism does not believe in the biblical Jesus Christ. It further documents that Joseph Smith was a false prophet something that Mormonism agrees would undermine the very foundation of Mormonism.
(Dallin H.Oaks, “Have You BeenSaved?,”April 1998 General Conference Address; ... (“WhatDo MormonsBelieve Concerningthe Doctrine of Grace? ... ( Bruce R . McConkie , Mormon Doctrine , 339.) Grace."
The Unknown God
An LDS Bishop's Counsel to a member of his ward on the Adam-God 'theory'.Did Brigham Young teach the doctrine that God became Adam? What about Joseph Smith? What do the scriptures have to say on this subject?Includes the book "The Forgotten God" and a series of study guides on this subject.
... the end of this concept if it were not for Brother Smith's son-in-law, Bruce R . McConkie . Perhaps presuming that his father-in-law was teaching a divine doctrine, Elder McConkie expanded upon this idea in his book Mormon Doctrine ."
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